You are currently viewing Announcement for the 2024 Undergraduate Degree Scholarship Program

Announcement for the 2024 Undergraduate Degree Scholarship Program

Finlays Community Trust is pleased to announce the 2024 Undergraduate Degree Scholarships Application. The scholarships target students who are residents of Bomet and Kericho counties who sat for the 2023 KCSE examinations and scored a mean grade of B+, 70 points and above. They should have received an admission letter to any recognized university in Kenya under the Government sponsorship program.

The Undergraduate University Scholarship Program was started way back in 1991 targeting bright and needy students from the community. Each year, 28 students are accepted into the program. Students from all eleven constituencies in the two counties are eligible for the scholarship. A highly competitive process is used to select the recipient. The scholarship is valued at Kshs. 150,000/= per student per academic year for the duration of the program. As part of the scholarship package, the recipients also receive a laptop computer. The scholarship has benefited 400 undergraduate degree students and has cost more than Ksh. 118.8 million since its inception.

Finlays Community Trust believes that investing in our children’s education today has a better return on investment for the community and society as a whole in future.

Application forms are available at both the county and sub-county education offices in Bomet and Kericho counties. You can also download the form from the Finlays Community Trust website ( ) using the link provided below.

Duly filled forms are to be dropped off at Browns Plantations Head Office, Chepkembe, on or before Monday, 24th June 2024. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to visit our offices or call 0711388298 or 0701560801 or email