Water Projects

To make clean water more accessible to the local communities while at the same time conserving and protecting water springs and water catchment areas in Kericho and Bomet counties, we have invested in and supported a number of water projects. These include the Seretut (Belgut Sub-County), Kipchobos (Konoin Sub-County), Chepinyonyoi (Ainamoi Sub-County), and Mosore (Bureti Sub-County) water springs. The fifth water project is currently under construction, while feasibility studies for the sixth are being conducted. The four commissioned water projects directly benefit approximately 1,200 households and their livestock, as well as 100,000 individuals indirectly, which includes nearby primary and secondary schools and dispensaries. Over Ksh.18 million was spent in the construction of the projects.

Activities undertaken at the springs included complete construction of the spring protection works; construction of cattle troughs, community water collection points and fencing; planting of indigenous tree seedlings around the spring catchment area; use of solar panels to pump water to accessible locations with little or no ecosystem interference (at Chepinyonyoi spring and water project): and training of spring management committee on maintenance of the spring. A series of community sensitization meetings were also undertaken in close consultations with the local WRA and the area administration.