The Student Mentorship Program

The primary objective of the Student Mentorship Program is to provide students with constructive and positive interaction, guidance, and mentorship from successful role models. The program is a valuable addition to the Trust’s existing programs because it aims to not only encourage and motivate students to perform better, but also mould and shape their character, thus making them well rounded individuals. Topics such as academic skills, exam skills, career guidance, scholarship opportunities, general life skills, peer pressure, teenage pregnancies and drug and substance abuse are prominently covered in the sessions.

The mentorship program is intended to supplement the Trust’s scholarship programs and educational infrastructure projects by providing students with knowledge and valuable skills that will prepare them not only for their studies but also for their future careers and personal lives.

Finlays Community Trust has now held mentorship sessions at St Monica Chebangang Girls’, Chepkoton, Sosiot Girls, Cheborge Boys, Cheborge Girls, Kapkisiara Girls, Chebonei Girls, Tenwek Boys, Kongotik Girls and Longisa Boys secondary schools since the program commenced.

At Finlays Community Trust, we believe that investing in our children’s education today has a better return on investment for the community and society as a whole in future.

To learn more about our mentorship program kindly visit and